ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT – Here’s an excerpt from a Media Stream video. The video features the Arsenal Business & Technology Partnership. The partnership markets the services found at the Watervliet Arsenal. The Watervliet Arsenal operates one of the most advanced machining centers in the world. Above all, the Arsenal is a critical hub in New York’s Tech Valley.
The Arsenal Business & Technology Partnership works with veterans. For instance, the Veterans Business Outreach Center works with the partnership to assist veterans in business. As a result, veterans are having success running and starting up businesses.
Since 1999, The Arsenal Business & Technology Partnership has helped attract business to New York’s Capital Region. For instance the partnership helps market Vistec Lithography. The partnership also promotes the Michael R. McNulty Center for Veteran Entrepreneurial Activity. The McNulty Center is a business accelerator helping veterans to run successful businesses.
Media Stream has worked on economic development projects throughout New York State.
Video Is A Great Way To Communicate
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A video will also increase your SEO ranking on the internet. SEO or Search Engine Optimization is very important. It’s how people find you when they search for your product or service. Today, you can’t afford not to have a video on your website.
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